Scientific Research Projects Coordination -

Internal Completed Projects

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Internal Completed Projects


Project No

Project Coordinator

Project Name

Publications Derived from the Project

BP-020919-SA Prof. SAADETTİN AKSOY Design and Realization of PLC-based DC Motor and Stepper Motor Servo Control Training Sets  
BP-070220-SK Asst. Prof. SEVCAN KAHRAMAN Reducing Spectral Variability in Hyperspectral Images with Machine Learning Based Approaches LiDAR Verisi Yardımıyla Otomatik Dalga Boyu Bandı Yaklaşımı Kullanılarak Hiperspektral Görüntülerde Spektral Değişkenliğin Azaltılması
DUP-271119-HA Asst. Prof. HAKAN AKÇA Infant Health Monitoring System  
HD-170719-HK Asst. Prof. HAKAN KOYUNCU Low Altitude Low Capacity Payload Model Rocket  
KAP-060220-TC Prof. TARIK ÇAKAR Investigation of Occupational Tension and Stress in Working Life in Istanbul Province  
KAP-141220-IM Assoc. Prof. Indrıt Myderrızı Analysis of a Li-Fi Based System for High Throughput Internet Data Streaming Implementation and evaluation of a comprehensive Li-Fi system using Matlab/Simulink
DUP-111019-DUB Asst. Prof. DUYGU ÜNER BAHAR Development of a Borate Sensor to Directly Measure Glucose Levels in Blood  
DUP-250219-ÖK Asst. Prof. ÖZCAN KAYA Use of synthetic vascular graft as a barrier for the prevention of Epidural Fibrosis-related Postlaminectomy syndrome in rats  
YUP-060918-İHT Asst. Prof. İSMAİL HAKKI TEKİNER Level of Allergen Parvalbumin Structure in Raw and Semi-Processed Salmon (Salmo salar) and Gene  
YUP-080518-AÖ Asst. Prof. ARZU ÖZGEN Phylogenetic Analysis and Determination of Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activity of Origanum vulgare Phylogenetic analysis of origanum vulgare and its antioxidant and antimicrobial activity
YUP-271218-AB Asst. Prof. AHMET BOLULU Evaluation of Central Processing Functions in Adults  
DUP-060220-ZSD Asst. Prof. ZEYNEP ŞENTÜRK DIZMAN A Field Study to Determine the Psycho-Social Situations of Foreign Students Studying at Istanbul Gelisim University and the Cultural Competencies of Instructors  
DUP-150520-AKD Asst. Prof. AYSUN KAYA DENİZ Turkey Socioecopolitical Youth Survey: The Case of Istanbul Province  
HD-291119-AKD Asst. Prof. AYSUN KAYA DENİZ Borrowing from the Future: Cooperatives for Sustainable Societies  
DUP-170220-YK Yeşim Koçyiğit A Study to Determine the Glass Ceiling Overcoming Strategies of Female Managers and to Develop a Scale  
BP-210720-KY Prof. KÜRŞAT YALÇİNER 2 Blended Learning Classroom Projects  
BP-160320-SA Asst. Prof. SİBEL AYBAR The Effect of Japanese Lean Production Management Model on Employee Productivity in Turkish Manufacturing Industry: The Case of Istanbul Province Japon Yalın Üretim Yönetimi Modelinin Türk İmalat Sanayinde İşgören Verimliliğine Etkisi: Otomotiv Sektöründe Bir Uygulama
SHIZ-2024-106 Asst. Prof. MURAT BAŞAL The process of teaching the use of Domestic Land Transportation Module, International Land Transportation Module and Air Cargo Transportation Module computer programs, which are software programs used to analyze and share information in terms of digitalization in the supply chain, to the students of the logistics department  
FYL-2024-133 Asst. Prof. CANSU NOBERİ Vehicle Key Security Against Radio Frequency (RF) Attack in Autonomous Vehicles  
SLO-2024-162 Asst. Prof. DİDEM TETİK KÜÇÜKELÇİ Determination of Educational Support Needs of Earthquake Regions and Book Aid Project  
ÖOP-211020-OEV Prof. OSMAN ERGÜVEN VATANDAŞ Modeling of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Different Designs  
DUP-100920-SGA Asst. Prof. SİNEM GÜRKAN Biologically Based Jet Fuel Production by Transesterification of Nettle Seed Bio-Based Jet Fuel Production by Transesterification of Nettle Seeds
BP-221220-MD Asst. Prof. MESUT BARIŞ Nanoparticle Biosynthesis Using Microalgae Species and Characterization/Investigation of Antibacterial Properties of Produced Nanoparticles  
HD-190220-AN Assoc. Prof.  ANIL NİŞ Investigation of Durability Performance of Different Geopolymer Mortar Samples Produced with Waste Materials under High Temperature Effect  
KAP-210220-HSK Prof. HURİYE ŞULE KARAASLAN Calculation of Damage Vulnerability of 3 Neighborhoods of Avcılar District  
KAP-150121-SAO Prof. SEYFETTİN ARDA ÖZTÜRKCAN Determination of Chemical Composition, Antioxidant Capacity and Mineral Content of Cranberry Fruit (Cornus mas L.) Grown in Turkey  
KAP-050421-AAH Asst. Prof. ABBAS ALI HUSSEINI Development of a CRISPR-Based HBV DETECTR Lateral Flow Test  
DUP-011220-YA Asst. Prof. YILDIZ AYDIN Characterization of Subultra-Groups and Abelian Quotient Ultra-Groups of an Ultra-Group  
KAP-231220-CN Asst. Prof. CANSU NOBERİ Analytical Approach to Ephesus Hellenistic Period Defense Structures  
DUP-210720-GYS Assoc. Prof. GÜLSÜM YELİZ SAÇLI Hyperbolic-Generalized Complex Coefficient Fibonacci-Lucas Numbers and Quaternions Theory  
BP-300421-BT Asst. Prof. BURÇİN TÜZÜNER Development of Ion Selective Test Strips for Sweat Analysis  
HD-170521-CN Asst. Prof. CANSU NOBERİ Detailed Analysis and Production of Transonic Rockets  
BP-111121-GU Asst. Prof. GİZEM UZUNER Supporting Academic Studies with Econometrics Package Program in terms of Quality and Quantity  
KAP-061021-AKD Asst. Prof. AYSUN KAYA DENİZ Turkey Socioecopolitical Youth Survey: The Case of Istanbul Province, 2021  
BP-090522-ES Asst. Prof. EKREM SÜZEN A Case Study on Determining Clothing Problems and Clothing Preferences of Children with Down Syndrome and Producing Functional Design Clothing for Children with Down Syndrome  
DUP-220922-SP Asst. Prof. SAFAR POURABBAS Design and Development of a 3D Printer Platform with Few Materials  
DUP-080822-EA Asst. Prof. ERCAN AYKUT Transfer of Istanbul Gelisim University Vocational School Digital Electronics Laboratory Course to Virtual Reality Environment  
BP-180220-ARN Asst. Prof. AHMAD RESHAD NOORI Dynamic Analysis of Plate Composite Thick Circular Plates in Laplace Space by Complementary Functions Method  
HD-200220-RY Assoc. Prof. INDRIT MYDERRIZI Improving the Usability of the Pharmamatic Drug Vending Machine Project  
LTP-311019-IM Assoc. Prof. INDRIT MYDERRIZI FPGA Implementation of Discrete Cosine Transform Using an Efficient Hybrid Algorithm  
DUP-060320-RHK Asst. Prof. RIZA HALUK KUL Development and Implementation of a Potential Hazard Prevention Information System in Aircraft Maintenance Workshops with Image Processing Technology Development and Implementation of a Potential Hazard Prevention Information System in Aircraft Maintenance Workshops with Image Processing Technology  
DUP-160920-NA Asst. Prof. NEGİN AZARABADİ Determination of Aroma Profile of Turkish Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) Grown in Different Geographical Conditions  
DUP-101219-AAH Asst. Prof. Abbas Ali Husseini Development of a Rapid Total RNA Isolation Kit in Blood Comprehensive Review of Transcriptomics (RNAs) Workflows from Blood Specimens
DUP-202120-MK Asst. Prof. Mehlika Karamanlıoğlu Production and Characterization of Cocos Nucifera Oil Additive Biomaterials and Investigation of Their Effect on Wound Healing Production and characterization of a coconut oil incorporated gelatin-based film and its potential biomedical application
KAP-270320-SYB Asst. Prof. Serap Yeşilkır Baydar In Vitro Investigation of Therapeutic Effects of Various Herbal Extracts in Alzheimer's Disease Model Synthesis characterisation and neuroprotectivity of Silybum marianum extract loaded chitosan nanoparticles

The Influence of Cichorium Endivia and Urtica Dioica Extracts Against H2O2-Induced Stress in SH-SY5Y Cells
KAP-141220-SG Asst. Prof. Serkan Gönen Cyber Security Analysis in Li-Fi Based Systems A new approach in cyber security of industrial control systems: Li-Fi
DUP-210720-GYS Assoc. Prof. Gülsüm Yeliz Şentürk Hyperbolic-Generalized Complex Coefficient Fibonacci-Lucas Numbers and Quaternions Theory A Study on Dual-Generalized Complex and Hyperbolic-Generalized Complex Numbers
KAP-230120-BD Asst. Prof. Berrak Dumlupınar Synergistic Potential of Antioxidant, Anticancer Effects of Pelargonium graveolens Essential Oil and Various Antibiotic Combinations Against Pathogenic Microorganisms Synergy between Pelargonium endlicherianum essential oil and conventional antibiotics against Neisseria meningitidis and Haemophilus influenzae